Last week, I had the pleasure to meet and speak with an amazing couple that has been doing great things. Their story of love and commitment is beautiful and inspiring to me and I am so happy to help them spread their message.
Flame and Spark (Instagram: @flame_spark17) met in September of 2017 at a mutual friend's party. Flame, who's real name is Corsha, had just gotten out of a marriage, and Spark, who's real name is Rica, hadn't been in a for a relationship in years. Spark had recognized Flame from Facebook and talked a bit at the party, but ultimately they both left with no future plans.
The message would come a month later, when Rica hit up Corsha to get her hair styled. Both Flame and Spark had experienced something at the party, a certain moment. Spark had turned the corner, and her and Flame met eyes; and it was as if the world stopped. And over messages they were both amazed to find that each of them experienced this feeling independently of the other. And so goes their iconic slogan, "She Sparked up my Flame, We know it's a shock."

The couple takes pride in their visibility on Instagram and YouTube, saying they "don't want to be in a box" of an overtly sexual lifestyle that many gay couples are known for. Their classy, professional image shines bright among a sea of half naked couples on Instagram but it also stands out for another reason.
"We get confused for mother and daughter a lot," Flame told me with a warm laugh. There is indeed a thirteen year age gap between the two, but as they so romantically put it "we don't even think about it."

Flame and Spark are also raising a son together, appropriately nicknamed Shock. Shock has made appearances on both their YouTube channel and Instagram feed, though his parents make it a point to maintain his privacy. Spark spoke of her dedication to raising a child in a loving and inclusive environment, saying, "I know what I didn’t like about my upbringing, and I wanted to change that for his."
Between giggles and loving glances they assured me that the secret to their relationship is friendship. "She's my best friend" says Flame, a fact that's true even when the couple has a disagreement
"Sometimes you have to take a break from being mad as a lover, so you can talk as a friend."
I asked if they had any advice for people still looking for the love of their life and they gave me these bits of gold to impart onto you all. One, "You have to tap into you first, be selfish before you can be selfless." Self love is the key to loving others, and loving intensely is the key to maintaining that love. "A relationship is 100/100, not 50/50" and "You have to give someone your all, before they can give their all". These were some of their most inspiring quotes, but to get their full effect you're going to have to see them yourselves!
Spark and Flame have such an amazing energy, I had a wonderful time talking to them and I am so happy to share their energy and experience on Valentines Day! Check them out on social media and have a gay day!