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FBI Reports New Data Showing Surge Shows in Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes in the U.S

News & Opinion

Gayes! According to data revealed by the FBI, hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity are on the rise in the United States. 

This marks the second year in a row, where more than 1 in 5 of any type of hate crime is now motivated by anti-LGBTQ+ bias according to the Human Rights Campaign.

The FBI data compiles over 14 million criminal offenses for 2023 reported to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program by participating law enforcement agencies. 

The shocking data revealed 2,936 hate crime-related incidents related to sexual orientation and gender identity bias in 2023 which is up roughly 8.6% from about 2,700 in 2022.

Incidents involving sexual orientation, excluding heterosexuality, was the motivation for 2,389 incidents in 2023 – up from about 2,188 in 2022, and about 1,300 in 2021, according to the report. Additional findings in the report show gender identity-based incidents have been on the rise this decade, from 307 offenses in 2021 to 515 in 2022 to 547 in 2023.

The data has alarmed LGBTQ Rights organizations and activists. Brian K. Bond, CEO of LGBTQ advocacy group PFLAG National said the report highlights that it is still dangerous to be LGBTQ+ in the United States.  

He continued saying: “Our LGBTQ+ loved ones need both our compassion and our action to make our communities safe and our laws inclusive, so every LGBTQ+ person can be safe, celebrated, affirmed and loved everywhere in the U.S.”

Kelley Robinson, Human Rights Campaign President expressed her concerns about the findings  “Unfortunately, the latest FBI hate crimes data shows that even as public acceptance of LGBTQ+ people continues to grow, and overall crime continues to decline, hate crimes against us are not yet showing signs of subsiding. Make no mistake, politicians who spread disinformation and demonize our lives are contributing to this violence.

She continued saying “This trend needs to end. LGBTQ+ people need full non-discrimination protections in law, nationwide. All law enforcement agencies must commit to fully reporting data on hate crimes in their communities. Politicians and community leaders across the country need to stop lying about our community and inciting hatred against us. It's time we build an America where LGBTQ+ folks don't just survive, they thrive - in every town, every state, every corner of this nation. That's not just a dream, it's our fundamental right as Americans."

The FBI’s newly released data of the Human Rights Campaign declaring a national state of emergency for LGBTQ people in the U.S. last June. A first for the 40-year old organization. The reasoning behind the declaration is the passage of laws that target the LGBTQ+ community.


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