Earlier today, Nicki Minaj and Hairstylist Arrogant Tae engaged in a shady back and forth on Instagram after Tae learned Minaj worked with competitor hairstylist Jonathan Wright. Wright gave Nicki a Strawberry Shortcake hairstyle so she could film a promotional video for her new song, "Move Ya Hips" along with ASAP Ferg and MadeinTYO. Once Jonathan posted his work on Nicki, a lot of people had mixed feelings about Nicki having her hair done by the one stylist that Tae has a little tension with.

To recap on their tension, recently Jonathan Wright and Arrogant Tae threw a little shade at each other when Wright posted his work on the problematic Jefree Starr and Tae had a little response saying that all money is not good money since a lot of people criticized Wright for working with him. Wright responded to all the criticism summing up that he will not turn down the bag.
Brining us to today where a pregnant Minaj is seen on Instagram with her hair done by Wright for the promotional video.
It did not take too long for Arrogant Tae to respond to this. He took to his Instagram story to vent about feeling betrayed by Minaj for getting her hair done by Wright. He talked about staying loyal to Nicki by turning down clients and opportunities because of the friendship. He went on to express his feelings about the industry being a dirty game in response to Nicki having her hair done by Jonathan.

Minaj did not take very long to respond to Tae, she ended up getting on Instagram live to tell her side of the story and how working with Jonathan for the promo shoot came about. She said in her live video that she wanted to work with Tae but, he cancelled on her 48 hours beforehand. They even tried to work around it where he would express ship the wig already made and then just having someone apply it for her but he said that he wouldn't be able to do that. Which left her with no choice but to go ahead and find someone else to do her hair in a short amount of time and Jonathan ended up coming to her rescue. After this, she said that she was not going to keep addressing negative things and to maintain positive vibes.
Tae responded to her live video via Instagram story where he said that he had to get his wisdom tooth pulled out. Then, he said that he could not send her the wig already made because the hair company Nicki prefers was not responding to his messages in time. Also, he said that if he were to send a wig with using hair that is not her preferred brand, he would have been "cursed out". This was followed by Jonathan adding his two cents in to say that his grind will not stop and for Tae to stop venting for sympathy and instead pray for strength.
In the past, Arrogant Tae was responsible for her hairstyles on her #1 Single, "Trollz" with Tekashi69 and "Barbie Dreams" off her #2 debuting album, "Queen"

Fans even tried to take things farther create a narrative that after Tae unfollowed Nicki, he followed Cardi B in spite of Nicki Minaj. But, this was quickly debunked after Cardi tweeted that her and Tae have actually been following each other for years and they never had a problem with each other.

Later on, Tae even posted a screenshot on Instagram to show that he is still streaming Nicki's new single because it is one of his favorite songs and he loves her but wrong is still wrong.
#Gayes, what do y'all think about the wig drama?