Gay adult-performers Trevor Laster and Markie More claims that Rocco Fallon, director of NextDoor Studios, allegedly threatened him and Markie More. Laster claims that he was fired from NextDoor Studios after the threats occurred. Last year, Markie More made the same statement about the director physically threatening him. NextDoor Studio's owner, Stephen Sirard claims that Rocco Fallon, who also goes by the name Tucker Scott, is planning on taking legal actions against Laster and More for making false allegations against him.
Laster did an exclusive interview via Twitter with Str8UpGayPorn. Laster told gay adult video industry reporter Zachary Sire, writer of Str8UpGayPorn, that Scott subjected him to "constant belittlement" and would even threaten models by saying that he would "f*** their s*** up" if they "don't get this s*** right." Laster has claimed that the studio's owner allegedly offered him "hush" money to have sex with a model off-camera so he could watch and later say that another director invited him over for a weekend-long sex binge.
Laster claims n the interview with Zachary Sire that Tucker allegedly told him "if you screw this up and can't just do your f****** job, I'll f*** you up in so many ways, they won't be able to find your body." He says that Scott allegedly threatened to beat him up before the shoot if he didn't sign a release document stating that he wasn't being forced to do anything against his will on camera, a form that the director claims that every model normally signs after filming.
Back in December 2018, Markle More, another gay-adult performer made a similar claim against Scott stating that Scott allegedly threatened his life and those around several times over the course of four years. More claims that Scott allegedly were looking to hire hit men saying "it's a lot cheaper than [you'd] think." More vented about these threats that Tucker Scott made against him via Twitter.

More claims that he allegedly confronted Scott over the comments that he made and claims that Scott became upset. Later on Scott claims that the comments were jokes even though the tone of hatred behind his words and comments came off as a threat.
More even called Scott's threats "passive aggressive" in nature even though those comments were very aggressive. More said "I'm in no way afraid of his physical capabilities, but when you have to look over your shoulder wherever you go, it can wear on you." Neither Scott nor the studio has made a comment about More's claims until now.
The studio owner of NextDoorStudios, Stephan Sirard made a comment to Str8UpGayPorn, responding to Trevor Laster's accusations towards Tucker Scott (aka Rocco Fallon). Sirard claims that Scott did not threaten Laster and that Scott would "not hurt a fly.", based on the statement he made to Str8UpGayPorn writer, Zachary Sire. Sirard states that Scott is considering taking legal action towards Laster and More for these false allegations and that Scott will not speak publicly at this time.
Trevor Laster took to Twitter on April 16th saying, "You know what I hate more than anything on the world? Reaching out to the studio you're under contract with and not even give. The time of day. Thanks @NextDoorStudios!" He then replied to a fan saying, "Oh trust me. I didn't want to. Not ever will again. Especially for them! And I'd encourage all to do the same."
Trevor even cleared up a headline which read, " NextDoorStudios Director Rocco Fallon Accused Of Threatening Another Model With Physical Violence "I'll Fuck You Up In So Many Ways, They Won't Be Able To Find Your Body".

This incident alone, makes you question what really happens behind the scenes of gay-adult filming studios.