It wasn’t too long ago that the infamous and down right hilarious YouTube star Tré Melvin announced that he would be leaving YouTube in order to commit to his new project, Tré Melvin TV. Many fans were devastated after Tré expressed the fact that in the wake of the current social climate preceding the death of George Floyd, he feels YouTube does not provide a welcoming space for black creators or creatives.
However, less than a month later his over 3 million subscribers are greeted with even more bad news after discovering that Melvin was involved in a tragic car accident that not only left him with brain injuries but took the life of his best friend, Katherya Pacheco-Mendoza.
The news of this fatal car accident was released yesterday after a statement was made on Melvins Twitter.
It reads, “Early Monday morning, Tré was involved in a severe auto collision with his friend Katherya. Both are currently hospitalized and have suffered brain injuries. While Tré is stable, Kathy is unresponsive”…(read the rest of the post here.)
Nearly 10 hours later Melvin took to Twitter once more writing,
“I survived a fatal crash. my best friend didn’t. i don’t think i have ever been this numb. ever. if you can, please donate to her funeral costs:”

A gofundme account was created in order to aid in her funeral cost with a goal set at $10,000. Although in less than 24 hours, supporters have well exceeded that amount.
According to Melvin’s tweets, the incident appeared to be a hit and run and as of now, no updates have been given on who was the driver of the other vehicle.
His supporters flooded his social media, eager to know if he was doing well in which he expressed he is, “(physically) okay.” He further states, “i’m alive and i’m grateful.

In his most recent update he writes, “i want each of you to know that i feel your love so, so deeply. i do. i can’t respond right now but i feel it and i thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

We at Gaye Magazine are sending our love and prayers to Melvin for a speedy recovery as well as Pacheco-Mendoza’s family for their loss.